. Trump Tells Faith Conference If He Took Off Shirt They’d See ‘a Beautiful Person’ With ‘Wounds All Over’ From Defending Religion - News Times

Trump Tells Faith Conference If He Took Off Shirt They’d See ‘a Beautiful Person’ With ‘Wounds All Over’ From Defending Religion

By News Here - 13:07

Donald Trump claimed that if he took his shirt he would have more “wounds” than any other president in the history of the U.S.

The former president spoke at the Faith and Freedom Conference on Saturday where he claimed Christians needs to come out and vote for him in November in order to “defend religious liberty”  from Communists, Marxist, and Fascists.

Trump then told his supporters on Saturday that if he were to take off his shirt in front of them they would “see a beautiful, beautiful person” but with “wounds all over me.”

Trump then said he was “treated the worst” of any president, including both Andrew Jackson, who survived an assassination attempt, and Abraham Lincoln, who of course did not survive his.

Lincoln was famously assassinated by being shot in the head in front of his wife near the end of the American Civil War.

Just think of what we’ve already achieved, and we’ve done things that nobody thought possible. Together, we stood up to the communists, Marxist, and fascists to defend religious liberty like no other president has ever done.

And I have the wounds all over my body. If I took this shirt off, you’d see a beautiful, beautiful person. But you’d see wounds all over, all over me. I have taken a lot of wounds, I can tell you. More than I suspect any president ever.

You know, in history – and I’ve read, I love the, I love this stuff – But, in history, they say Andrew Jackson was treated the worst. President Andrew, he was a great general and a very good president. And Abraham Lincoln was second worst. Now he had a civil war. So, you know, you sort of think that was understood. And now they’re rewriting the books. Trump was treated the worst, Andrew Jackson second and Abraham Lincoln third. But I definitely took top spot. I took some. And I’m honored to do it. And here we are looking for more. How about that? I could right now be home, I wouldn’t be in court. I wouldn’t be in courts all over the land. All started by Crooked Joe Biden and his group of thugs.

Watch the clip above via Faith and Freedom Coalition.

The post Trump Tells Faith Conference If He Took Off Shirt They’d See ‘a Beautiful Person’ With ‘Wounds All Over’ From Defending Religion first appeared on Mediaite.

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