. Scott Jennings Compares Biden Campaign to the Titanic as David Axelrod Nods Along: ‘This Ship Is Gonna Sink’ - News Times

Scott Jennings Compares Biden Campaign to the Titanic as David Axelrod Nods Along: ‘This Ship Is Gonna Sink’

By News Here - 12:07

CNN’s Scott Jennings compared Joe Biden’s reelection campaign to the Titanic and David Axelrod, an ex-Obama operative, wondered how a decision to stay in the presidential race might affect his legacy during a panel discussion on Friday.

“I don’t think they’re [Democrats] going to replace him [Biden. I was thinking, I didn’t sleep much last night because I’m so worried about the president,” began Jennings. “And I’m worried about what we’ve been told about the president by the White House, the White House press secretary, his campaign. We’ve been told a lot of lies by a lot of Democrats and a lot of people on the government payroll about his fitness for office.”

Then he dove into his analogy:

I was staying up overnight thinking about the movie Titanic and specifically the string quartet that was playing on the deck. They’re going to ride it out, and they’re going to play the music, the people around him, and this ship is going to sink, and they’re going to have no one to blame for Donald Trump coming back but themselves. It is squarely on their shoulders.

Axelrod nodded along as Jennings spoke, adding that maybe the Jaws theme would be even more appropriate.

Then he suggested that Biden’s legacy might depend on his forthcoming decision about whether to stay in the race.

“I think this is something he needs to consider and those around him need to consider: What does he want his legacy to be? He has a record he’s proud of, I think justifiably so. He did save the country back in 2020 from Trump, and we saw what happened in the aftermath that underscored how important that was,” argued Axelrod. “But the question is: If he then becomes a vehicle by which a very unpopular Donald Trump, who, by the way, did not do particularly well last night, becomes president again, what does that do to his legacy?

Watch above via CNN.

The post Scott Jennings Compares Biden Campaign to the Titanic as David Axelrod Nods Along: ‘This Ship Is Gonna Sink’ first appeared on Mediaite.

from Mediaite https://ift.tt/PW3cRkq

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