. ‘Run As Far As You Want!’ Enraged Steve Bannon Vows to Chase Former FBI Dir. McCabe Across Globe ‘To Come And Get You’ - News Times

‘Run As Far As You Want!’ Enraged Steve Bannon Vows to Chase Former FBI Dir. McCabe Across Globe ‘To Come And Get You’

By News Here - 16:07

As he prepares for his prison sentence, Steve Bannon vowed to go after former FBI Director Andrew McCabe if Donald Trump wins back the White House.

Bannon earlier this week was ordered by a federal judge to surrender himself for a four-month prison sentence by July 1st of this year. The former Trump adviser was convicted two years ago of contempt of Congress for refusing to comply with a House January 6th Committee subpoena.

During the latest airing of his show War Room, Bannon advised McCabe to flee the country because the DOJ under a second Trump term will “come and get” him. He added that McCabe “was the deputy at the American Gestapo, and you’re gonna suffer the consequences.”

The former president has also promised to used the DOJ to prosecute Democrats, including President Joe Biden, should he win in November. Bannon concluded that “judgement day” starts on November 5th after the election.

Let me be brutally frank here. First off, everything that’s going to be done is going to be done, is going to be by the Constitution and under the rule of law. That’s one of the things we’re going to we’re going to we’re going to deconstruct this and get back. And I said yesterday about the, about the approvals, right. The authorizations, these agencies, most of them 90% of I think, Bob, because they have not been authorized to do a defense authorization Act every year because they understand that’s a must pass. They understand, hey, we can’t play around with defense authorization. FBI, DOJ, they’ve been decades and decades not being authorized. Number one process and taking part the administrative state the authorizations. Number two is McCabe’s got to understand this is McCabe. You should be worried. You should be very worried. But also understand this, brother. We have extradition treaties with virtually every country in the world. And you go ahead and run and run as far as you want.

We’re going to come and get you, and it’s going to be totally constitutional and totally by the rule of law. The reason they’re nervous and Kaitlan Collins, man, this was this is one of the most important interviews that’s been done in a long time. Right there you see them. That is the deep state. That’s the enemies of this country that have taken over this apparatus on CNN with their number one host, Caitlin Collins, who’s the big show over there, and see how surprised she was. But she couldn’t even hide it. The guys out there, you know why they fear these are smart people. They know the law. How is the deputy, the FBI? They know the laws they broke. And here’s the thing, McCabe. We’re going to have access to everything. Access to everything. Let me repeat this. Access to everything? Yes. Oh, these are torturous conversations.

These are torturous conversation where if you didn’t do anything wrong, it wouldn’t be torture conversations. They’re not going to be extra judicial at all. You know, the crimes you’ve committed, you’ve know what you’ve done. And that’s Lisa Monaco, Merrick Garland, all of them FBI, DOJ, the intelligence agency, CIA. I said yesterday, if we’re the fascists and the Brown shirts, why is it the Trump movement and MAGA that we’re fighting to shut down FISA? We don’t want warrantless searches. We don’t want warrantless, oversight of of progressives or people in this country. If you’re an American citizen, we’re fighting for that. The other side’s not. Why? Because they’re totally illegal Gestapo. McCabe, you were the deputy at the American Gestapo.

And you’re going to suffer the consequences. It’s not going to be extrajudicial. It’s not going to be against the Constitution is going to reaffirm the Constitution. But the reason they’re nervous. Oh, these are torturous conversations. People are very they’re so concerned, bro. Leave the country. Run as far as you can, bro. Because the long arm of American justice is going to get you and have you come back. Judgment day is 5th November of this year. Accountability day starts on the afternoon of the 20th of January, after Donald John Trump takes his hand off the King James Bible.

Watch the clip above.

The post ‘Run As Far As You Want!’ Enraged Steve Bannon Vows to Chase Former FBI Dir. McCabe Across Globe ‘To Come And Get You’ first appeared on Mediaite.

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