. Trump Rally Opening Act Thanks God For Chance To ‘Worship And Bring Back’ Trump - News Times

Trump Rally Opening Act Thanks God For Chance To ‘Worship And Bring Back’ Trump

By News Here - 12:07

Republican Party of Nevada Chair Michael McDonald thanked God for the chance to “worship and bring back” former President Donald Trump as he opened up for Trump at a rally over the weekend.

On Sunday, Trump spoke to a crowd of supporters at a rally in Las Vegas, during which he went on several attention-getting rants.

But Trump’s opening acts gave him a run for the money, as one — Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) — compared Trump to Jesus, and McDonald did his thing — opening by telling the crowd “thank God we’re here in Sunset Park to worship and bring back the greatest president we’ve ever known in our generation”:

What more can be said than thank God we’re here in Sunset Park to worship and bring back the greatest president we’ve ever known in our generation?

I’ve been with this man since 2015, before he went down the escalators, and so many of you in the same place have done it. You have been with this man because when he walked out on stage, you know, he’s for the working, the men, women. That’s the difference.

Any Hollywood actor stand up for me? Not one.

All you fake billionaires? Stand up for me? None.

All you working men and women that are here today to return this country? Stand upand yell! That’s the numbers! Donald Trump is to make sure that the working men and women have a shot.


That is awesome! That is original. That is not rehearsed. That is not some Hollywood script that that scumbag actor has to read. That was at New York?

Let me tell you something. You may play a tough guy on radio or on TV, but these are the real tough men and women that fight every day to make sure we have an America. That’s what it’s about.

Watch above via RSBN.



The post Trump Rally Opening Act Thanks God For Chance To ‘Worship And Bring Back’ Trump first appeared on Mediaite.

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