. ‘They Are Price Gouging!’ CNN’s Blitzer Hosts Debate Between Right And Left On Trump Calling Harris a ‘Communist’ - News Times

‘They Are Price Gouging!’ CNN’s Blitzer Hosts Debate Between Right And Left On Trump Calling Harris a ‘Communist’

By News Here - 12:07

CNN’s Wolf Blitzer discussed the recent attacks from Donald Trump on Kamala Harris’s economic agenda, which she is set to discuss in detail on Friday, with GOP strategist Matt Gorman and Democratic strategist Maria Cardona.

“Trump is attempting to brand Kamala Harris as a far-left radical when it comes to the economy, but he’s struggling to stay on message, as you and I know, drifting between attacking her policies and her personality and her looks and her name and all of that. Listen to this,” Blitzer began before playing a clip of Trump saying:

She a communist or a socialist or somebody that’s going to destroy our country. I think I’m entitled to personal attacks. She’s considered far more radical than Bernie Sanders. I’m very angry at her. She’s a very strong communist, Lin. She actually called me weird. He’s weird. You’re all going to be thrown into a communist system. I don’t have a lot of respect for her intelligence. You’re going to be thrown into a system where everybody gets health care. She’s not smart. I don’t believe she loves our country.

“So, Matthew, first of all, you think she’s a communist and, you think it’s damaging to Trump’s campaign? These personal insults. Insults that he’s launching?” Blitzer asked.

“I don’t think her political party is communist. But even as The Washington Post in their headline today says, if you don’t want to be called a communist, don’t promote communist policies. Catherine Rampell in The Washington Post wrote that today, as you saw with some of the price gouging things,” Gorman replied, adding:

But number two, look, I think that’s a difference between personal attacks and, puffery and the personal attacks, whether it’s Kevin McCarthy said it, Nikki Haley, kind of different swaths of party. They said stay focused on that. Look, the fact is the reason she needs to come on price gouging policies and, housing policies because of the policies of the last four years. They weren’t there when Trump was in office, that she’s addressing things that her own administration has done. Focus on that, focus on her flip flops from, gosh, over the last six years doing that. I think we’ll get a lot further. But, I think what he has said on these particular policies she’s rolling out today has been spot on.

Blitzer then asked, “Maria, Kamala Harris, we’re told, will tout her support for price controls on groceries later this afternoon in her big speech on the economy. And although that may be a popular message. Price controls haven’t always worked, as you and I know. How should she balance her message of economic populism with sound economic policy?”

“Sure. Well, I think she’ll do it in a way that focuses on helping middle class and helping working-class voters, and that the details will come, Wolf. But I think what is important to note is that economists themselves have said that part of the reason why they’re the grocery store costs have been so high is because companies have been taking advantage of the environment and they have been price gouging,” Cardona replied, adding:

And so I don’t think she’s going to go into price controls, but she is going to talk about how we need to do a much better job of ensuring that the companies that own the massive grocery store chains are not lining up against their own customers, and that it has to be working-class voters and middle-class families, the ones that the government is there to ensure that they can afford the groceries that they go to buy.

So again, I think that the contrast with her talking about lowering costs for families versus Donald Trump and giving to billionaires and rich corporations, the tax cuts that he already has given them, and then focus on Project 2025 that economists have said is going to blow up inflation, massively increased taxes on middle-class families hurt workers. That is a contrast that will absolutely help Kamala Harris going into this election.

Watch the clip above via CNN.

The post ‘They Are Price Gouging!’ CNN’s Blitzer Hosts Debate Between Right And Left On Trump Calling Harris a ‘Communist’ first appeared on Mediaite.

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