. CNN’s John Berman Takes Victory Lap After Correctly Predicting Part of RFK Jr. Bear Cub Story 10 Years Ago - News Times

CNN’s John Berman Takes Victory Lap After Correctly Predicting Part of RFK Jr. Bear Cub Story 10 Years Ago

By News Here - 12:07

The story about the dead bear cub that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. left in Central Park in 2014 had yet another twist to it on Monday — and it involves CNN anchor and apparent soothsayer John Berman. Now this story really has everything.

The story of a dead black bear cub being found in Central Park a decade ago was odd even at the time. Bears generally didn’t hang out in Central Park, for one thing. For another, the baby bear was found next to a bicycle. Was the bear hit by a cyclist? Where did the bear come from?

Ten years later, in a profile of the presidential candidate in The New Yorker published on Monday, the truth came out — it was he who left the bear there. He staged the bicycle accident after posing for a photo with the dead baby bear. It’s a Whole Story involving falconry, and Kennedy told it to Roseanne Barr in a video he posted to Twitter/X. That is a real sentence and all those words are facts.

But back to 2014, when Berman — then a bright-eyed, bushy-tailed CNN staffer at the tender age of “ten-years-younger” — reported on the mysterious baby bear carcass and editorialized:

There have been no bears in the park for a long, long time. It seems as if someone brought the thing there, which is really sad.

Boasting the chyron “MYSTERY SOLVED,” the present-day Berman asked of his guests: “[I]s the lesson here that you need to listen to me because ultimately, ten years hence, I will be proven correct?”

Jason Osborne, a former communications strategist for Ben Carson, told Berman:

Osborne: [O]ne thing that I found that was interesting was he did come up with an explanation of where he thinks he got the brain worm from. So at least we have a solution to that problem. So in a sense, now we know what happened with the bear, who did it, and where the brain worm came from. So, I’m happy about that.

Berman: And I think the upside of this is maybe now we never have to speak of this again.

Anchor Sara Sidner punctuated the segment with: “One thing to note on this show — John Berman is always right.”

Watch the video above via CNN.

The post CNN’s John Berman Takes Victory Lap After Correctly Predicting Part of RFK Jr. Bear Cub Story 10 Years Ago first appeared on Mediaite.

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