Anti-Trump Comic Matt Friend Rips Dems For Being ‘Too Lame’: ‘Needs A Revamping’
Anti-Trump comedian Matt Friend told Jim Acosta that Democrats need “revamping” in their effort to message against President Donald Trump because currently, “they seem too lame.”
Friend is the comic who roasted Trump at the 2024 White House Correspondents’ Association Dinner.
On Friday’s edition of his Substack video podcast The Jim Acosta Show, Friend did plenty of impressions and leaned heavily into mocking Trump. But in one exchange, he channeled Bill Maher to critique the Democrats and their current lack of cultural cachet:
JIM ACOSTA: And I mean, why they’re even bothering having a correspondents’ dinner this time around to me is is beyond me.
Like, if Trump is saying the Associated Press, screw you, you’re out of here. What he’s telling, you know, the press corps, we’re going to decide who comes into the Oval Office.
I mean, I’m sure you saw this that Marjorie Taylor Green’s boyfriend was asking Zelensky questions about why he wasn’t wearing a suit.
You know, when Marjorie Taylor Green’s boyfriend is in the Oval Office asking questions, we’re We’re in a bad place, and why–? Why have a correspondents’ dinner? Just let the Matt Friend, you know–
MATT FRIEND: Well, we can’t stop these great American traditions because there might be a loon. I mean, or there might be like, because the presidency is–.
However you view it, dangerous or whatever is going on, we can’t stop this great tradition.
JIM ACOSTA: Well, that’s true.
MATT FRIEND: That would be backing down Jim that wouldn’t be right.
JIM ACOSTA: And we don’t back down, we don’t back down.
MATT FRIEND: I don’t believe in that we don’t, when they go high, or when they go low, we go high.
I do think that the Democratic Party needs a fundamental shift because they just seem, I’m going to be Bill Maher, okay, right? (MAHER VOICE) And finally, you know what the problem is with the left? They seem too lame.
They do.
JIM ACOSTA: It’s true!
MATT FRIEND: They got to, it needs a revamping. It really does because you have these like Charlie Kirk people, there’s like, it just doesn’t, it doesn’t, it’s not working–
JIM ACOSTA: Yeah, Charlie Kirk, he’s begging to be made fun of and I mean, like all of these people, you know?
Like Megyn Kelly and Joe Rogan, what the hell are they going to do for the next four years? They’re just going to be like, “Yeah, Trump is right. He’s amazing. He’s so, he’s so incredible.”.
Like I just don’t know. Like to me, I would much rather listen to a Howard Stern, you know.
Watch above via The Jim Acosta Show.
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