. A Savior Emerges: Marianne Williamson Announces She Will Seek Democratic Nomination at the Convention - News Times

A Savior Emerges: Marianne Williamson Announces She Will Seek Democratic Nomination at the Convention

By News Here - 12:07

The nation breathed a collective sigh of relief on Tuesday when author and perennial candidate Marianne Williamson called for an open convention at this year’s Democratic National Convention and announced that she would be throwing her hat in the ring after mounting unsuccessful campaigns in 2020 and earlier this cycle.

In a statement — accompanied by a video –released on Tuesday, Williamson declared that “President [Joe] Biden deserves our respect, our compassion, and our gratitude,” before adding that “The debate last week, however, made clear that the time is now for another Democratic candidate to take his place on the November ballot.”

She continued:

The nominating process for the Democratic Party needs to begin again. We need to recalibrate, and we need to do so quickly. Over the next two months we need to do what we should have been doing over the last year and a half: engaging in a robust conversation about this country and how we’re going to beat Donald Trump in November. Today I throw my hat in the ring. We need to have an exciting campaign and an open convention in August.

It is imperative that the new process not be manipulated by party and media elites. The search for a new candidate must be not directed by behind-the-scenes players, but rather must be a genuinely democratic process. All news outlets owe it to the public to fairly cover all FEC registered, qualified candidates going forward.

By the end of the primary season, I had received half a million votes. I traveled throughout the United States for over a year, gaining personal experience of ravages of both body and soul in communities throughout this country. And I did not just bear witness to the problems. I articulated solutions that speak to the minds and hearts of voters on the left, the right, and in the middle. I know how desperately people in this country want change.

With my candidacy, I submit to the people of the United States that a better way forward is both possible and necessary.

Williamson went on to promise to “wage peace as effectively as we wage war” and submit that there is a need to “revive the spirit of the American people.”

“This country needs more than changes in policy. We also need a change in our hearts, for without that we will not be able to fuel the ‘new birth of freedom’ we so desperately need. The American people need to rise up now. We need a new coalition of decency and love,” she concluded. “The political-industrial complex has had its way with us for far too long. It’s our turn now.”

The post A Savior Emerges: Marianne Williamson Announces She Will Seek Democratic Nomination at the Convention first appeared on Mediaite.

from Mediaite https://ift.tt/sn0weoO

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