U.S. Strategic Command (Responsible for Guarding Against Nuclear Strikes) Raises Eyebrows With Gibberish Tweet

Screenshot via Twitter.
Typographical errors happen in tweets all the time. Sometimes it’s just a simple misspelling; sometimes it’s someone accidentally shoving an unlocked phone in a pocket or bag.
But it’s a whole different level of tweeted magnitude when the pocket tweet comes from the military agency that’s literally responsible for protecting us from nuclear strikes.
United States Strategic Command, also known as USSTRATCOM, is one of the unified commands under the Department of Defense and its assigned responsibilities “include strategic deterrence; nuclear operations; space operations; joint electronic spectrum operations; global strike; missile defense; and analysis and targeting.” USSTRATCOM is located at Offutt Air Force Base near Omaha, Neb. and monitors everything from global satellite traffic, space debris, and ongoing missile defense strategies.
Sunday evening, the official USSTRATCOM Twitter account posted a line of gibberish, “;l;;gmlxzssaw” and quickly followed that with another tweet, “Apologizes for any confusion. Please disregard this post.”
The two tweets were later deleted, but can be seen in the screenshot at the top of this post.
Twitter users, if you’ll pardon the pun, went ballistic over the mistweet, including several references to the 1983 film, WarGames.
how about a nice game of solitaire
— Seth Trueger (@MDaware) March 29, 2021
Well, now. That’s reassuring.
The Masked Carrie Sweet
(@CarrieSweet2017) March 28, 2021
The US Strategic Command butt-dialing gibberish on Twitter might be a sign of why it should not be on Twitter.
— Matthew Salzwedel (@mrsalzwedel) March 29, 2021
Not everyone has to be on Twitter. Especially people who could accidentally start nuclear wars. But I’m just old-fashioned, I guess.
— Matthew Salzwedel (@mrsalzwedel) March 29, 2021
18 USC §1038(a) & 18 USC §831 make it a federal crime to create a hoax that makes people believe that nuclear material is going to be used against U.S. Citizens.
— A Crime a Day (@CrimeADay) March 29, 2021
not really how i pictured the world ending but also not entirely surprised
— Dad Jokes Panda (@TrashPandaFTW) March 28, 2021
Our neighbors to the north had some friendly words of encouragement:
These things happen.
This might even happen to you one day.It’s okay, folks.
— Canadian Forces in
(@CAFinUS) March 28, 2021
Mediaite reached out to the USTRATCOM media relations contact for comment, but did not receive a response by press time.
The post U.S. Strategic Command (Responsible for Guarding Against Nuclear Strikes) Raises Eyebrows With Gibberish Tweet first appeared on Mediaite.from Mediaite https://ift.tt/3w5c47j