. Tucker Carlson: Democrats Trying to ‘Crush’ Howard Schultz, But Heckler ‘Did Make Some Solid Points’ - News Times

Tucker Carlson: Democrats Trying to ‘Crush’ Howard Schultz, But Heckler ‘Did Make Some Solid Points’

By News Here - 00:10

Fox News’ Tucker Carlson tonight said the Democrats are furious at Howard Schultz because he’s hurting their chances at reclaiming political power.

Carlson opened by saying “a pair of slick consultants somehow convinced Howard Schultz that he could be president” and showing the angry liberal reaction, including the heckler who called him an “egotistical billionaire asshole” and said he should “go back to Davos with the other billionaire elite.”

“In fairness, the heckler did make some solid points,” Carlson said. “The last thing we need is another egomaniacal Davos moron running the country into the ground.”

He went on to say the Democrats’ concerns are about Schultz posing a threat to their power:

“What Democrats really want, what they’re not kidding about at all is political power. The right to run things. The right to be in charge. Power. And they want it so bad they can taste it. Poor hapless Howard Schultz and his overfunded midlife crisis just got in their way. So they have to crush him.”

He also shared Mark Cuban‘s tweet as another way to look at “the Democratic hysteria” over Schultz:

You can watch above, via Fox News.

[image via screengrab]

from Mediaite http://bit.ly/2UpSgrF

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