. Lou Dobbs Flips Out on Intel Chief for Contradicting Trump: ‘What the Hell is Wrong’ with Dan Coats? - News Times

Lou Dobbs Flips Out on Intel Chief for Contradicting Trump: ‘What the Hell is Wrong’ with Dan Coats?

By News Here - 00:10

Fox host Lou Dobbs threw an extended fit over Director of National Intelligence (DNI) Dan Coatstestimony on Capitol Hill, in which Coats contradicted Donald Trump on a number of critical national security issues.

On Tuesday, DNI Coats delivered his agency’s latest threat assessment to the Senate Intelligence Committee, an assessment which contradicted many of Trump’s claims and positions on issues like ISIS, North Korea, and Iran.

This did not sit well at all with Dobbs, who took a large chunk of Fox Business Channel’s Lou Dobbs Tonight program to dump on Coats, and even demand he be fired.

Dobbs began the segment by bitterly noting that Trump’s “intelligence chief seems to contradict the president often,” then decided it was even more than often, settling on “frequently.”

He noted that Coats told the committee that North Korea is “unlikely to give up nuclear weapons,” that “Iran is not trying to develop a nuclear weapon,” and, in Dobbs’ words, “for whatever reason, he warned that ISIS is far from being defeated, and an attack against the United States, in his assessment, is not only possible, but likely.”

In December, Trump took to declaring that ISIS had been “defeated,” but weeks later, four Americans were killed in an ISIS attack in Syria.

Dobbs then interviewed former Trump national security official Fred Fleitz, and asked him about the “outrageous claims” that Coats made during his testimony.

Fleitz argued that unclassified assessments like the one Coats delivered ought to be done away with altogether, but Dobbs was not deterred.

“What the hell is wrong with the DNI?” Dobbs frothed. “He has no political judgment, no sense of proportion. I mean what in the hell is he talking about?”

“I want to understand what he’s thinking, and why he should be tolerated,” Dobbs added.

“I would let him go because of this,” Fleitz said, and then argued that the intelligence community has “grown into a monster.”

Dobbs then insisted that the intelligence community is “anti-Trump,” told them “get over your bad selves,” and insisted “there’s something rancidly wrong” with them.

Watch the clip above, via FBC.

[image via screengrab]

from Mediaite http://bit.ly/2DJ7pz0

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