Hollywood Outraged by Draft Opinion Overturning Roe: ‘Get Your Dirty NAZI Boots Off Our Wombs’

Stefani Reynolds/Getty Images
Hollywood stars have been expressing their outrage over the Supreme Court draft decision to overturn the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision.
A myriad of industry figures took to Twitter after Politico published Justice Samuel Alito’s leaked draft opinion on Monday night — fearful and enraged over the fact that abortion could no longer be recognized as a constitutionally protected right.
“#RoeVWade has been settled law, guaranteed by the Constitution for 50 years; the 14th Amendment to the document that is the foundation of our country’s laws,” wrote Bette Midler. “If they strike down this amendment, what is to stop them striking down others that conservatives don’t agree with?”
#RoeVWade has been settled law, guaranteed by the Constitution for 50 years; the 14th Amendment to the document that is the foundation of our country’s laws. If they strike down this amendment, what is to stop them striking down others that conservatives don’t agree with?
— bettemidler (@BetteMidler) May 3, 2022
Whoopi Goldberg launched into a pro-choice rant during Tuesday’s edition of The View, reminding viewers of the dangers people faced attempting to receive an abortion illegally.
“Women in this country lived forever with it being illegal, okay? Women, when they decide something is not right for them, they’re going to take it into their own hands,” she said. “We got tired of tripping over women in bathrooms, public bathrooms, who were giving themselves abortions because there was nowhere safe, nowhere clean, nowhere to go.”
Rosanna Arquette, who often uses her Twitter to weigh in on political hot topics, specifically hit at Justice Brett Kavanaugh, who concurred with Alito’s draft opinion along with fellow conservative justices Neil Gorsuch and Amy Coney Barrett.
“A slimy drunk rapist has taken away womens right to choose,” she posted, also writing, “Get your Dirty NAZI boots off our wombs.”
A slimy drunk rapist has taken away womens right to choose
rosanna arquette (@RoArquette) May 3, 2022
Get your Dirty NAZI boots off our wombs
rosanna arquette (@RoArquette) May 3, 2022
I remember robin Williams said if men Want to understand child birth they should put an umbrella up their ass and open it.
rosanna arquette (@RoArquette) May 3, 2022
Other stars similarly took to Twitter to condemn the opinion, with some pointing to other landmark decisions that may now be on the line:
Maybe its not as simple as saying Fuck Susan Collins but for the record, FUCK SUSAN COLLINS. https://t.co/sY094exQja
— billy eichner (@billyeichner) May 3, 2022
Those motherf*****s really did it. First they came for Black voters, then they targeted LGBTQ+ families. Now, women of America, they’re overruling Roe v. Wade.
We have to unite and strike back. Take to the streets. Overwhelm them at the ballot box. They have gone too damn far.
— George Takei (@GeorgeTakei) May 3, 2022
Dems have the House.
Dems have the Senate.
Dems have the White House.They can abolish the filibuster and codify #RoeVWade RIGHT NOW!
Maybe some of you vote-shaming keyboard activists should get outside and use your energy to actually hold them accountable.
— Susan Sarandon (@SusanSarandon) May 3, 2022
If you are upset that #RoeVWade is about to be overturned by the Supreme Court but you didn’t vote in 2016 or you voted for Trump because you didn’t like the smart lady, YOU did this w/your apathy or your decision to choose an imp for President. YOU gave him THREE SCOTUS seats.
— yvette nicole brown (@YNB) May 3, 2022
So let me get this right: I don’t get to tell you to wear a mask during a pandemic… but YOU can make me carry a pregnancy I don’t want or that isn’t safe to term (and then of course be solely financially responsible for the baby)? Oh. Cool cool.
— Jodi Picoult (@jodipicoult) May 3, 2022
Forced birth & illegal abortions across state lines is backwards & cruel. The Supreme Court has BECOME the division. Thanks to Alito & his ilk of RW radicals, who are toxic to the Court’s impartiality. Based on his arguments, the Supreme Court is strictly political now. https://t.co/0PTmxcVovG
— Mark Ruffalo (@MarkRuffalo) May 3, 2022
Those poor rightwing justices. Their opinion was leaked and they had no – what’s the word? – choice.
Why, it’s almost like their autonomy & right to privacy were suddenly stripped away.#RoeVWade https://t.co/i6cx3BZMS6
— John Fugelsang (@JohnFugelsang) May 3, 2022
It’s liberty https://t.co/jnnxLtR7y1
— Sarah Silverman (@SarahKSilverman) May 3, 2022
Rich people will survive illegal abortions performed in doctors offices.
Poor people will die from illegal abortions performed in back alleys.
Stating the obvious. But fvck. The implications are astounding.
— Drew Dixon
(@deardrewdixon) May 3, 2022
Wait, are *we* the shithole country?
— Michael Ian Black (@michaelianblack) May 3, 2022
There’s the joke about men doing anything to avoid going to therapy. Add overturning Roe v. Wade to the list. Restricting abortion access is about controlling women. Not a coincidence that this is happening as women ascend in the economy.
— Michael Ian Black (@michaelianblack) May 3, 2022
Control a woman’s body and you control her educational and economic fortunes. That’s what this is about.
— Michael Ian Black (@michaelianblack) May 3, 2022
As the staggeringly partisan, right wing-dominated SCOTUS nudges America closer to Handmaids Tale status, the importance of voting in EVERY election becomes even more obvious. One would hope today’s news erases any further delusions that “both parties are pretty much the same.”
— Seth MacFarlane (@SethMacFarlane) May 3, 2022
This this and this https://t.co/ig5seohmZ7
— Josh Gad (@joshgad) May 3, 2022
i no longer work for a news organization so i can say without fear of penalty for my job that news organizations’ reluctance to touch abortion and to cover it honestly (very popular! not that controversial!) for fear of seeming too liberal is a big part of why we are here
— Julia Moser (@juliamoserrrr) May 3, 2022
miranda too https://t.co/Gy19G1KKcc
— Don” ‘t ask me google questions” Cheadle (@DonCheadle) May 3, 2022
No shit, Susan https://t.co/iJivnpSqBv
— Andy Richter (@AndyRichter) May 3, 2022
Urge you to read this piece. https://t.co/9C5H8jAWab
— rob delaney (@robdelaney) May 3, 2022
So glad for all the people who said “you can’t call Republicans fascists, they’re not going to overturn Roe, you’re being hysterical” https://t.co/ubsauFGN83
— Cassandra (@ChrisWarcraft) May 3, 2022
Let this be remembered as the night the Met Gala saluted the Gilded Age, a time of outrageous wealth disparity coated in the patina of luxury, while the Supreme Court sentenced poor women seeking reproductive freedom to death.
— Bess Kalb (@bessbell) May 3, 2022
Whomever is overturning Roe v Wade knows exactly what it could bring about too. That’s where the focus needs to stay Mitch. On all the broken promises and the suffering you and yours are deliberately creating for the sake of the extreme right vote to protect your dying brand. https://t.co/s7GZAH5FcH
— Claudia Black (@TheClaudiaBlack) May 3, 2022
Woman > fetus
— Streaming on Rushtix: Sat May 7th (@anylaurie16) May 3, 2022
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