. Stephen A. Smith Hands Matisse Thybulle an ‘Idiot Award’ After Missing Second Covid Shot - News Times

Stephen A. Smith Hands Matisse Thybulle an ‘Idiot Award’ After Missing Second Covid Shot

By News Here - 12:07

Stephen A. Smith went at the Philadelphia 76ers again Friday on First Take but this time it wasn’t about the decline of James Harden, but rather about the senselessness of one of his teammates.

Matisse Thybulle is arguably the 76er’s best perimeter defender this season but the Philly team will have to get by without him on the road in round one as it was confirmed that he is not fully vaccinated and therefore cannot enter the country of Canada to face the Toronto Raptors.

Smith confirmed the reason Thybulle wouldn’t be able to play is because he received his first vaccination but not his second, making him a non-vaccinated player according to the terms of the mandate.

The stupidity irked the sports personality as he and Kendrick Perkins discussed the impact it would have on Philly’s chances to advance in the playoffs.

“And now you got this dude Thybulle,” Smith started. “I like him, I’m a fan. But I gotta tell you, he’s gonna win an idiot award. He’s going to win an idiot award.”

Smith continued his rant by mentioning Brooklyn Nets star Kyrie Irving and his vaccine stance, crediting him for at least standing strong on his decision. The host then questioned Thybulle and how it was possible to only receive one shot of the vaccine.

“How in the hell are you okay with getting a shot and get one but forget to get two? How you do that?” Smith asked. “Ladies and gentlemen, you need to understand. Let me repeat this: Matisse Thybulle has forced us to do this. Ladies and gentlemen, the Johnson & Johnson shot is one shot. The Pfizer vaccine is two shots, three weeks apart. The Moderna shot is two shots, three weeks apart. I don’t think that’s that complicated to understand, but evidently it was with Thybulle.”

This is not the first time Smith has cooked Thybulle over his vaccine screw-up, taking the time earlier in the week on Get Up to roast the young Philly wing.

The TV host has a point as vaccine information is readily available, especially for professional athletes whose leagues want them to be as protected as possible. It also raises the question on how this could have happened inside a professional sports organization. Did he refuse a second shot? Did they forget to remind him?

Watch above via ESPN

The post Stephen A. Smith Hands Matisse Thybulle an ‘Idiot Award’ After Missing Second Covid Shot first appeared on Mediaite.

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