. CNN’s Kaitlan Collins Explains The Biggest Difference Between Trump And Biden White Houses in CNN+ Interview - News Times

CNN’s Kaitlan Collins Explains The Biggest Difference Between Trump And Biden White Houses in CNN+ Interview

By News Here - 13:07

CNN’s Kaitlan Collins was asked by Wolf Blitzer to explain the biggest differences between covering former President Donald Trump’s White House, and that of President Joe Biden.

One of the better innovations of soon-to-be-defunct streamer CNN+ was The Interview Club, which allows viewers to submit questions to an upcoming guest — at least for another week.

Collins was a guest this week, with Blitzer moderating the curated questions. One came from a viewer named David, who wanted to know how the two administrations differed for Collins. Her answer included the fact that they were both busy, but in different ways, and that both administrations are connected in that “they hold the same power” even if they use it in different ways:

MR. BLITZER: And a lot of our viewers, of course, got to know you during the Trump administration. And David has this related question for you. How was your experience covering the Trump White House compared to now covering the Biden White House?

MS. COLLINS: They’re very different because, of course, the two presidents are very different, and that is something I think either of them would tell you. What I would say that’s not that different is it’s still incredibly busy. It may not be as quite as quite as busy during the Biden administration as it was during Trump. It’s just a different kind of busy because with Trump, you would wake up at six a.m. and you would think the news story was going to be one thing, one day. And of course, through his Twitter feed, it would often change and adjust multiple times during a day, and you would think you’re talking about one thing. And by the time Wolf was on air that night, you were talking about something totally different. So that is something that’s changed, because you don’t see as much of that. However, it’s still been so busy with Biden in office. From all the changes that he made when he first started to, of course, what’s been happening with the pandemic and now Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. And so it’s been very different, but it’s still really busy, and you still know it’s, it’s still very important because it’s a different administration. But of course, they hold the same power that the last one did. And so that has really been something cool to see that kind of underlying connection in that sense. And it’s also fun to learn different presidents and what they’re like. I’m obsessed with the presidency. I love learning about different presidents. And you definitely see clearly, up close, you know, how different they are from a policy perspective, but also the difference in how they lead and how they think that they should run the office.

Watch above via CNN+.

The post CNN’s Kaitlan Collins Explains The Biggest Difference Between Trump And Biden White Houses in CNN+ Interview first appeared on Mediaite.

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