. Piers Morgan Stands By Claim Trump Walked Off of Interview Despite Audio Telling Different Story - News Times

Piers Morgan Stands By Claim Trump Walked Off of Interview Despite Audio Telling Different Story

By News Here - 12:07

Piers Morgan is standing behind his portrayal of a yet-to-air interview with former President Donald Trump as contentious.

Appearing on Fox News’ MediaBuzz Sunday, Morgan — whose full conversation with Trump will air on Fox Nation Monday — was pressed by Howard Kurtz about the claim that the former president walked out of their interview. A preview clip of the interview was cut to make it seem as though Trump cut the interview off, but subsequently released audio demonstrated that he didn’t.

“It was uncomfortable,” Morgan told Kurtz, describing the interview. “I’ve never seen him like that. He was very angry. Quite profane, in fact.”

Morgan described what happened after he told Trump that he does not believe the 2020 election was rigged.

“At that point, the fuse kind of went with him,” Morgan said. “He started insulting me, called me a fool seven times. I was very respectful back, I accepted if he wanted to call me that. That’s fine. But he wasn’t going to change my mind. … He couldn’t accept that. He has a kind of bling, pathological belief that it was taken from him.”

The Fox Nation host then talked about the end of the interview.

“At the end, I thanked him and I shook his hand, which is completely true,” Morgan said. “But then he just got up, barked at our cameras. ‘Turn the camera off!’ And then he walked off. And as he walks off, he muttered loudly — we have all this on film — ‘So dishonest! So dishonest!'” About me. And I just thought that was rude and churlish, and I felt that constituted a walkout, actually.”

Kurtz followed up — confronting Morgan with the disputed account presented by the audio.

“However ticked off the former president may have been, he thanked you, you thanked him,” Kurtz said. “You said ‘great interview.’ It didn’t sound like he was storming off in anger.”

“I didn’t claim it was some ferocious, screaming, storming off,” Morgan said. “I just said that actually, right at the end, he got up, barked ‘turn the cameras off,’ and called me dishonest and walked away. Now, you can call that what you like, I’ve never experienced that with him before. It’s always been a lot more friendly than that.”

Watch above, via Fox News.

The post Piers Morgan Stands By Claim Trump Walked Off of Interview Despite Audio Telling Different Story first appeared on Mediaite.

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