. Anderson Cooper: ‘Self-Proclaimed Wartime President’ Trump Has Been Golfing a Lot During Pandemic - News Times

Anderson Cooper: ‘Self-Proclaimed Wartime President’ Trump Has Been Golfing a Lot During Pandemic

By News Here - 20:08

Anderson Cooper opened his show Monday night ripping President Donald Trump for “fail[ing] to lead” on the coronavirus pandemic months into the crisis, even calling him out for how much he’s been golfing in the past few months.

He brought up several big developments in the U.S. Monday — from national security adviser Robert O’Brien testing positive to the Miami Marlins outbreak — and knocked “the self-ordained wartime president” for not saying more about the U.S. coming close to a death toll of 150,000.

Cooper called out Trump for continuing to tout efforts on testing and needed PPE, saying, “We’ve hearing and debunking variations on all of what he said for months now. States do not have everything they need and they do not get it immediately. The stockpile whether he’s referring to ventilators, or PPE, was never empty except for test kits that did not exist because the virus did not exist. And by th way, if it had been empty, why did this president allow it to remain empty for three years of his administration?”

He also brought up continued with testings, particularly concerning the long waits people have recently faced, months after the president’s “anybody that needs a test can have a test” comments.

“That was March 6th, when only 14 people had died. Wasn’t through then. Isn’t true now,” Cooper said. “Nearly 150,000 American lives later, the president is still bragging about testing and still not being honest.”

Last week the president said at one briefing “we are in the process of developing a strategy that’s going to be very, very powerful.” That set Cooper off:

“Perhaps like a superhero, its power is invisibility because there’s been no sign of it today, six days and 5,000 American lives since he promised it. No national strategy. The federal government is sending supplies and personnel to some of the worst-hit areas right now, but still no strategy from this White House, not a new one as promised and ther definitely isn’t an old one. And deaths are only climbing.”

He also showed photos of the president golfing this past weekend and in the past few months during the crisis.

You can watch above, via CNN.

from Mediaite https://ift.tt/3hECUv2

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