. Twitter Absolutely Stunned By Kamala Harris Ending Biden: She ‘Just Schooled’ Him - News Times

Twitter Absolutely Stunned By Kamala Harris Ending Biden: She ‘Just Schooled’ Him

By News Here - 19:58

Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) ripped former Vice President Joe Biden on the Democratic debate stage Thursday night, as she called out his past affiliations with segregationist politicians, which Biden has recently promoted as proof that he can work with Republicans to achieve meaningful reform as president.

While Harris said she agrees with Biden on the “importance of finding common ground,” she added that “it was hurtful to hear you talk about the reputations of two U.S. senators who built their reputations and career on the segregation of race in this country.” Biden reacted to the question with a particularly defensive response, saying that her remarks were “a mischaracterization of my position across the board. I did not praise racists.” He also subtly attacked her for being a prosecutor while addressing his support for “civil rights” issues: “I was a public defender. I didn’t become a prosecutor.”

Twitter mostly sided with Harris on the exchange, as many media figures discussed the senator’s dressing down of Biden to be one of the highlights of the night so far. While Biden has been repeatedly panned for boosting his ties to segregationist politicians, Harris was the first example of him being called out by an opponent in person over the issue, which certainly caused a stir on social media.

Check out a few of the reactions below:

from Mediaite https://ift.tt/2ZV6WSp

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