. Sen. John Kennedy Launches Biblical Defense of Supreme Court, Attack on Democrats: ‘By Thy Words You Shall Be Condemned’ - News Times

Sen. John Kennedy Launches Biblical Defense of Supreme Court, Attack on Democrats: ‘By Thy Words You Shall Be Condemned’

By News Here - 12:07

Senator John Kennedy (R-LA) mounted a biblical defense of the Supreme Court on Tuesday, charging Democrats with launching a “crusade” against the institution.

A number of stories have come out in recent weeks implicating Republican-appointed justices in what Democrats have argued are potentially compromising ethics scandals and what Republicans have characterized as innocuous anecdotes presented conspiratorially.

Kennedy argued on Tuesday that the wave of negative press is the fulfillment of a threat Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) made toward Justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh in March 2020. “I want to tell you, Gorsuch; I want to tell you, Kavanaugh: You have released the whirlwind, and you will pay the price,” shouted Schumer on the steps of the Supreme Court at the time. “You won’t know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions.”

“I think Matthew 12:36 is correct,” began Kennedy in responding to Schumer. “For by thy words you shall be justified and by thy words you shall be condemned.”

The remainder of Kennedy’s opening statement during the Senate Judiciary Committee’s hearing on Supreme Court ethics was devoted to prosecuting his broader case against the Democrats, which he argued stretches back decades.

“The sad truth is that some — not all — some of my Democratic colleagues have been on a crusade to undermine the United States’ Supreme Court’s legitimacy and the credibility of the federal judiciary for year,” he declared before deeming it “just the next chapter in their federal power grab, and they’ve invited cameras.”

Kennedy went on to lament the “savage destruction of professor and Judge Robert Bork,” the “high-tech lynching of Justice Clarence Thomas,” and the more recent wave of attacks from “the loon wing of the Democratic Party” on conservative justices, which have included protests outside their homes.

“‘You won’t know what hit you,’ the Democratic leader said. A man with a gun, ammunition, knife, pepper spray, and zip ties went to a justice’s home to assassinate him. Actually, his stated goal was to murder three justices,” said Kennedy.

The junior senator from Louisiana closed his remarks by submitting that “today’s hearing is an excuse to sling more mud at an institution that some — not all — some Democrats don’t like because they can’t control it 100% of the time. And that’s a fact and everybody in this hearing room knows that.”

“Until they get the outcome they want in every case, I fear they are going to continue to slander it in an effort to take control of it, and I pray to God I am wrong,” he finished.

Judiciary Committee Chairman Dick Durbin (D-IL) responded to Kennedy’s impassioned speech by stressing that “violence against any public official — right or left, Democrat, Republican or Independent — is unacceptable,” and declaring that the government has “an obligation to protect them.”

“There’s no question about the bipartisan commitment to their [the justices’] safety,” added Durbin

Watch above via C-SPAN.

The post Sen. John Kennedy Launches Biblical Defense of Supreme Court, Attack on Democrats: ‘By Thy Words You Shall Be Condemned’ first appeared on Mediaite.

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