. ‘I Can’t Even!’ Don Lemon Stunned Cheerleader Was Shot Trying To Apologize For Getting In Wrong Car - News Times

‘I Can’t Even!’ Don Lemon Stunned Cheerleader Was Shot Trying To Apologize For Getting In Wrong Car

By News Here - 12:08

CNN anchor Don Lemon was stunned by a cheerleader’s account of being shot while apologizing for getting into the wrong car by mistake, one of several similar recent incidents.

The case of 16-year-old Ralph Yarl, who was shot twice — once in the head — last Thursday by homeowner Andrew Lester after Yarl rang Lester’s doorbell by mistake has been in the news this week. So has the killing of 20-year-old Kaylin Gillis, who was shot and killed when she and her friends pulled into the wrong driveway by mistake.

On Wednesday morning’s edition of CNN This Morning, CNN’s Brynn Gingras reported on a similar incident in which a pair of cheerleaders —  Heather Roth and Payton Washington — were shot in Texas for getting into the wrong car by mistake after a competition.

Lemon was stunned by the video of Roth telling classmates that she was shot even as she tried to apologize to her assailant:

BRYNN GINGRAS, CNN NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Yes. And like you said, let’s step back for a minute, because what the heck is going on? I mean, like I was just here yesterday talking about a different incident, which we’ll get to in a minute, but, yes.

So, this is something that happened just out of the Austin, Texas area, guys. It’s with a competitive cheerleading group, as you just saw. And what we’re learning is that these teenagers were in an a parking lot of a grocery store, which is basically used as a carpool spot because they travel hundreds of miles round trip just to have these practices to compete nationwide.

And one of the cheerleading girls got out of her friend’s vehicle, there were four of them in the car, tried to go into what she thought was her car, opened the front door in the passenger seat as a person she didn’t recognize, she kind of freaked out, went back to the friend’s. And I want you to hear how she describes what happens next. She talked about it with her cheerleading team, her squad at their gym, and we have this from our affiliate, KTRK. Take a listen.


ROTH: We’re backing up. I see the guy get out of the passenger door. And I rolled my window down and I was trying to apologize. And then he — just halfway, my window is down, he just threw his hands up and then, he pulled up a gun and just started shooting at all of us.


GINGRAS: Tried to apologize, and he’s just start shooting at the car hitting, grazing a bullet of that woman, Heather Roth, but hitting her teammates here, Payton Washington, who is now in the ICU. She would be actually air flown to the hospital to receive care.

And so now there was a GoFundMe page. These cheerleaders are — we’re gearing up for a huge competition. She may not be able to do it, won’t be able to do it because she’s in the hospital, but it’s so sad. I mean, what is going on?


LEMON: I can’t even. I can’t even!

Watch above via CNN This Morning.

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