Rachel Maddow Warns Supreme Court So Disrespected Americans May Soon Not ‘Follow Its Rulings’ At All
MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow blasted the integrity of the Supreme Court for several minutes before calling declining trust in the institution a “fundamental” threat to the rule of law that could see Americans not “follow its rulings anymore.”
During her wide-ranging opening monologue Monday night, Maddow eventually got to the subject of the Supreme Court, which began its session on Tuesday. “A court that has never had a lower level of respect from the American people in the entire time that pollsters have been asking the American people about their level of respect for the court,” as the top MSNBC host put it.
Maddow blamed the “new conservative supermajority” at SCOTUS for plummeting poll numbers, saying the court is going “way out of their way” to do things like get rid of anti-discrimination laws, change election results, ruin education, and undo the Civil Rights Movement.
She covered the case before the court over redistricting in Alabama that puts the Voting Rights Act at the center. Maddow said the expectation is the court will decide, “No need to worry about that pesky Voting Rights Act anymore.”
“And if you think that is too radical a thing to imagine them doing,” said Maddow with a pregnant pause. “I mean, this is the court that just overruled Roe v Wade, right?”
Maddow showed the headline of a September Gallup poll on-screen reading, “Supreme Court Trust, Job Approval at Historical Lows.”
“A recent Gallup poll shows that American the American people say their trust in the court has dropped 20 points just since 2020, just in the past two years,” she said. “Another poll, similar poll from Marquette Law School shows it’s dropped 26 points in the past two years.”
She then argued that, because of the unpopularity of the Court’s decisions, thanks to conservative Justices, Americans might be expected to stop abiding by the court’s decisions or obeying the law at all.
“If the perception of the court keeps dropping like that, you might think the court would start to get worried that Americans soon just won’t respect the court enough to follow its rulings anymore,” said Maddow. “Which of course would be a disaster for the country. That would literally be the end of the rule of law in a very fundamental way.”
The remainder of the monologue was just shy of an overt appeal to go work and vote for Democrats or else face the possibility of losing “our constitutional republic.”
On the subject of Gallup polls on institutions that are losing the faith of the American people, there are others not faring too well, of late.
Watch the clip above, via MSNBC.
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