Samuel L. Jackson Blasts Joe Rogan’s Apology for Using the ‘N-Word’: ‘It’s Not the Context, Dude’

Frazer Harrison/Getty Images
Samuel L. Jackson has joined those taking issue with Joe Rogan’s apology for his past use of the “N-word” on his podcast.
“He is saying nobody understood the context when he said it,” Jackson said of Rogan’s explanation in a recent interview with The Times. “But he shouldn’t have said it.”
A compilation video of Rogan repeatedly using the “N-word” went viral in February, also including a clip of him comparing a movie theater in a Black neighborhood to The Planet of the Apes.
Rogan later apologized in a nearly 6-minute Instagram video, yet claimed that the compilation was “a video that’s made of clips taken out of context.”
“I know that to most people, there’s no context where a White person is ever allowed to say that, never mind publicly on a podcast, and I agree with that,” Rogan added.
But Jackson is not buying the excuse, telling The Times, “It’s not the context, dude — it’s that he was comfortable doing it.”
“Say that you’re sorry because you want to keep your money, but you were having fun and you say you did it because it was entertaining,” he continued.
Jackson, who has starred in six films directed by Quentin Tarantino, went on to defend the director’s repeated use of the slur in his films, explaining the difference between using the word to advance a story and using it as a punchline.
“It needs to be an element of what the story is about,” he said. “A story is context — but just to elicit a laugh? That’s wrong. While we were rehearsing Django Unchained, [Leonardo DiCaprio] said, ‘I don’t know if I can say ‘n*****’ this many times.’ Me and Quentin said that you have to.”
The actor lamented the fact that Tarantino is often used an example of “overuse of the N-word,” calling it “unfair.”
“He’s just telling the story and the characters do talk like that,” he said. “When Steve McQueen does it, it’s art. He’s an artiste. Quentin’s just a popcorn film-maker.”
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