. Sen. Chris Murphy Stands by Saying Trump’s ‘Deliberately Killing People’: He Could Model Proper Covid Behavior and Just Isn’t - News Times

Sen. Chris Murphy Stands by Saying Trump’s ‘Deliberately Killing People’: He Could Model Proper Covid Behavior and Just Isn’t

By News Here - 19:08

Senator Chris Murphy (D- CT) said last week that President Donald Trump’s “deliberately killing people” for not enforcing covid guidelines at his events.

He followed up defending the harsh rhetoric saying there was “no good reason” for the president so require social distancing or mask-wearing at his RNC speech, saying it sends a dangerous message to people across the country.

Murphy was on with Chris Hayes Monday night to react to the president’s remarks on the violence in Portland and Kenosha. Murphy was particularly appalled by Trump’s comments about the 17-year-old charged with homicide.

Towards the end of the interview, Hayes asked Murphy about the tweet and if he stands by that.

Murphy said he does:

“I know that sounds harsh, but this is a president who knew exactly what he was doing. He knew by refusing to socially distance people at his convention, but refusing to let them wear masks or at least not requiring masks, that he was sending a clear message to all of his followers that those things aren’t worthwhile. And the science tells him if they’re not wearing masks and they’re not socially distanced, then thousands of people are going to die. Let’s call a spade a spade. The president knows exactly what he is doing. He is refusing to model the right behavior for the American public and that is going to result in people dying. If you are on the way to the grocery store and you decide to drive on the sidewalk instead of the road, knowing that may kill people, you are rightly are called a killer. I do believe this president is deliberately killing people. Because all he had to do is make different choices about the behavior that he modeled, and there would be thousands of additional people alive today. That’s his choice.”

You can watch above, via MSNBC.

from Mediaite https://ift.tt/31KDaUh

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