. Chris Hayes Says Trump Should Resign Over Failures on Pandemic: ‘It Is an Urgent Matter of Public Health’ - News Times

Chris Hayes Says Trump Should Resign Over Failures on Pandemic: ‘It Is an Urgent Matter of Public Health’

By News Here - 18:08

MSNBC’s Chris Hayes tore into the Trump administration’s failures on the coronavirus pandemic Friday night, saying rather bluntly that President Donald Trump needs to resign.

Hayes opened his show reviewing the coronavirus spikes in a number of states across the country, with the U.S. overall setting another single-day record for new covid cases.

He contrasted the U.S.’ approach with other countries and said, “Our leaders just gave up. Donald Trump gave up, just decided to pretend the virus went away. Federal government did not take the leadership role in beefing up the capacity necessary to deal with the virus.”

And with states reopening despite not fully meeting CDC guidelines, what’s happening now is what experts predicted: “the virus would come roaring back.”

Hayes called out “preliminary victory laps” by officials like Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. He noted the good news that fatalities are declining, but asked if people really think that’s going to continue to be the case if current trends continue.

But then, in the next segment, Hayes more explicitly called out President Trump and said him resigning is a matter of public health urgency:

“The president ignored warnings from his public health experts. That resulted in tens of thousands of preventable deaths. And we’re looking at tens of thousands more. Right now we’re seeing our chance as Americans to get back to some semblance of normalcy, the way other countries have, with work and school and even sports — we’re seeing it slip away because of Donald Trump. We’re suffering through the incompetence of a man who took a huge inheritance and squandered it on stupid glitzy investments and bankrupted his company six times because he was not up to the task. If this presidency had creditors, the virus’ resurgence this week would’ve been a default event. Only it is not his creditors who are suffering, it is us. It is the people who could have survived this virus. It is friends and loved ones in nursing homes, and the people on the front lines and the ones working in meat-packing plants and the ones serving time in prison. It’s everyone who has lost a job and every small business that shut down. Things are falling apart because of him. And Republicans know it.

“But all they do is complain about his tone or they send some passive-aggressive tweets while professing their loyalty. The problem is not his tone. There’s not going to be some course-correction. Donald Trump does not learn. He is not going to get good at this. He is not going to change. He has failed, definitively. And it is an urgent matter of public health — of public safety, at this moment — for the president, Donald Trump, to resign.”

You can watch above, via MSNBC.

from Mediaite https://ift.tt/3g0I4AM

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