. Maggie Haberman: Trump’s Attacks Are Elevating Joe Biden Into a One on One Race Between the Two of Them - News Times

Maggie Haberman: Trump’s Attacks Are Elevating Joe Biden Into a One on One Race Between the Two of Them

By News Here - 04:39

New York Times’ Maggie Haberman appeared on CNN New Day Tuesday morning and provided her unique insights into President Donald Trump’s recent Twitter attacks against the sudden poll leader of Democratic presidential candidates, former Vice President Joe Biden.

A new CNN poll released Tuesday morning shows Biden with a surprisingly commanding lead among Democratic hopefuls, with a stunning 39% of likely voters in a Democratic primary choosing him as their favorite, over 18% for his closest rival Bernie Sanders.

Haberman is as well-connected to the inner workings of the Trump administration as any reporter so her insights carry more weight than most. In her esteem, there is mixed sentiment amongst Trump’s advisors on whether his Twitter missives towards Biden are a good thing or a bad thing, but none of that matters because Trump himself is frustrated from watching the spike in Biden coverage.

“He thinks what this race needs right now is him shaping it. What he’s doing is elevating Joe Biden and basically turning this into a one-on-one between himself and Joe Biden 18 months ahead of time,” Haberman offered, adding “this is something you’d see a presidential candidate for re-election do in the summer of the election year typically. This is taking place right now. It might not end up mattering, but this is not the way veteran political operatives would handle this. ”

Watch above via CNN.

from Mediaite http://bit.ly/2WguTlB

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