Roger Stone Makes Gay Joke About Jake Tapper in Response to CNN Anchor’s Prison Jab
Roger Stone punched back at CNN’s Jake Tapper after the television anchor made a joke about him enjoying prison.
“He might like it,” Tapper joked on Friday after Stone had been indicted by the FBI. Tapper’s joke got traction after slammed by Donald Trump Jr. in a tweet.
Stone shot back at Tapper, Tuesday on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Daily, by saying this:
“I mean, Jake Tapper looks light in the loafers to me,” said Stone during a SiriusXM radio interview, alluding to Tapper’s sexuality. “I don’t know what implication he’s making about me, but I think most people found the whole thing repugnant.”
Listen above via SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Daily. (The relevant portion of the interview begins at approximately the 7:45 mark.)
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